給与・福利厚生調査実施のお知らせCompensation & Benefits Survey in India


Pasona India Private Limitedでは本年も「在インド日系企業における現地従業員の給与・福利厚生及び昇給賞与に関する調査」を実施する運びとなりました。

(昨年度実績:有効回答数 179事業所)







Compensation & Benefits Survey in India

We, Pasona India Private Limited, invite you to participate in our annual research survey about “Japanese Corporate Compensation & Benefits Survey in India”.

During our day to day business dealings that require us to be highly involved with the HR processes of most of India’s Japanese subsidiaries, we often get asked various relevant questions whose answers need to reflect the current trends in corporate compensation and benefits.
Our solution to understanding such trends better is this research survey. All answers are kept anonymous and compiled carefully in an industry-wise, region-wise and level-wise manner. The objective of this research is to examine what kind of compensation & benefits strategies Japanese companies adopt in their subsidiaries in India.

【Features of this Survey】
◇The largest Compensation & Benefits Survey
Our survey approaches the Japanese corporations in India and produces the large number of replies when compared with the other relevant surveys.
(The numbers of the valid replies in 2020; 179 entities)

◇Multilateral Analysis
The research data are analyzed by cross tabulation based on business sector, region, career level. In addition, the analyses with regards to benefits are enriched.

◇The research specializes in Japanese corporations in India
Through the correspondence with our valued clients, the survey is designed to provide effective
information for Japanese corporations in India to solve any HR related problems which they currently face.

【Survey Period】
4th Oct, 2021(Mon) ~31st Oct, 2021(Sun)

Last year’s survey digest : https://pasona.in/ja/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Salary-Benefit-Survey-in-India-2018-Digest-Version-1%E3%80%80%E7%94%B3%E3%81%97%E8%BE%BC%E3%81%BF%E7%94%A8.pdf

●The result of the survey will be released for a company that answered the questionnaire at the end of February. If you are able to cooperate with our survey, please contact us at.

